Your company is booming but you do not dare looking for new markets abroad.

This might be due to the fact that you do not master languages, that your internal processes are not optimized and you first need to get rid of unnecessary wastes.

You may be already represented in other countries by your sales force but they might be missing a dedicated business and planning administration to support them in their tasks.

You need a reliable partner like CPFE to overcome all these challenges!

What does CPFE offer?

CPFE stands for Continuous Process improvement and Flexible Exchange. Created in October 2019, CPFE relies on a large industrial experience in international trade and business efficiency.

The services granted by CPFE and supported by recognized certifications in audit, lean 6 sigma and languages cover the following topics:

  • Company efficiency improvement:

We can perform an internal audit of your activity, identify improvement axis and offer a diagnosis that we can support over a period of time.

  • Cross cultural communication:

You may not address the Asian market like the European one. With CPFE you will have partner with an international profile able to adapt your communication to the local market you target.

  • Business and planning administration:

Be it for France of worldwide, you will appreciate having “a second brain” to manage your business on the planning and administration part for you!

So, for all these reasons, or may be just one 😉, contact CPFE:

Tel: 00 33 6 24 41 07 85 – e – mail: